W H A T ’ S O B V I O U SW H A T ’ S N O TTHE ENNEAGRAM IN BUSINESS MINI-BOOKC E N T R A L A S P E C T S O F E A C H T Y P Eby Ginger Lapid-Bogda PhD©2021 The Enneagram in Business
Sometimes stating the obvious canbe a good reminder about eachEnneagram type; sometimes weforget what is most apparent. Thereare also aspects of each type thatare not-as-obvious, yet quiteintriguing. This mini-book reviewsthree central and obvious aspects ofeach Enneagram type and alsoprovides a YouTube video to learnabout three non-obvious features ofeach type.
“A seeker of Truthlooks beyond theapparent andcontemplates thehidden.” ~ Rumi
What’s obviousPerfectionismOnes continuously compare what is with what should be,becoming frustrated when reality and their vision of theideal are not aligned. Their standards are lofty andunrelenting, and they believe it is their responsibility to getthings right. Although almost all Ones agree thatperfectionism is one of their key drivers, not all Ones thinkof themselves as perfectionists. In this sense, they don’tnecessarily believe they are perfect (yet!) and may never beso.A right wayOnes believe there is a right way to do just abouteverything, even if the right way is not immediately clear tothem.
ResentmentThe mental habit or fixation for Ones is resentment, thecontinuous paying of attention to flaws so that nothing isever good enough, while their emotional habit or passion isanger, feelings of chronic dissatisfaction with how thingsare. In addition, Ones are formed in the Body Center ofIntelligence, making them one of three types where anger istheir formative emotion. In this tri-part way, Ones areinfused with anger or its derivatives from multiple sides.However, because they perceive displays of anger as animperfect way to be, they control its direct expression anddescribe themselves as frustrated, irritated or upsetinstead.
What’s non-obviousWatch the following video to learn about the non-obvioustraits of type One. Some of the topics include these morehidden characteristics:Ones have a self-critic of a particular kind | Did you knowthat the One’s self-critic has a unique function, somaticlocation and more?Body versus mind | Why can Ones mistake themselves forbeing a Head Center type rather than a Body Center type?The One's ability to be delightful | Have you ever beenaround a One who is in pure delight?
What’s obviousEmphasis on relationshipsIn the world of Twos, many things matter, but relationshipsmatter most. Twos spend a great deal of time inrelationships, thinking about relationships, and feelingespecially bad and responsible when relationships go awry.Although Twos perceive other people as dependent onthem, more realistically, Twos are highly dependent onothers and their reactions for the Two’s sense of self-worth.Focus on othersMany Twos wonder why other people don’t notice thenuances of what is occurring with other people. Twos payclose attention to what others say, how it is being said,voice tone, breathing patterns, and other subtle and not-as-subtle physical cues such as facial animation, changes in
facial coloration, and more. Twos also notice what peoplesay they like and dislike, and Twos remember such things.All of this attention to others serves two purposes: (1) Twoscan provide resources, understanding, time, energy andeven gifts to other people that these others will like and (2)Twos then do not focus very much on themselves and, thus,lose contact with their own needs and deeper feelings.PrideTwos often have difficulty accepting that what they do – andwhat drives or motivates them – may be related to theirpride: pride in being attuned to and being there for others;pride in being important to others, especially importantpeople; and pride in making things happen or manifest,especially behind the scenes. This is self-inflation pride.Twos also experience self-deflation pride when they miscueinterpersonally, when they become less important toanother person, and when they can’t make somethingimportant happen or if something in which they’re involvedbackfires.
What’s non-obviousWatch the video below to learn about some of the moresubtle aspects of type Two:Liking people| Why do Twos like the concept of people ingeneral more than people specifically?The inner will | Twos have a deep inner will; do you knowwhat it’s made of?Guilt | Why is “guilt” the middle name for Twos?
What’s obviousGoal orientation Threes focus on goals, emphasizing the achievement ofspecific results and creating efficient and effective plans toget their desired outcomes. Their goals are highly specificand targeted and, once established and in motion, Threescan have a difficult time letting go of them. This focus onbeing active and productive supports their drive towardsuccess and their efforts to gain respect from others. It alsohelps distract them from dealing with uncomfortablefeelings that arise.Failure avoidanceAs much as Threes pursue success in various forms, theyequally avoid failure. Failure is their worst fear because itelicits thoughts of being insufficient, not being worthy ofrespect, and of not being valued, as well as feelings ofanxiety, sadness or despair, and anger.
ImageThrees are known as the chameleons of the Enneagrambecause they can change their image to match specificsituations. They do this to create a positive impression andto match what they perceive as the image of a person whois highly regarded in a particular context. This can be animage of a good worker, an excellent athlete, a son ordaughter or partner, and more. When their image isaffirmed, Threes feel good about themselves, but whentheir image is not affirmed, they feel disrespected, highlyuncertain and anxious, sometimes to an extreme.
What’s non-obviousThe video below looks at many aspects of the less-than-obvious characteristics of type Three. Learn more about thequestions offered here: Lock-on, lock-down mind | How do Threes use their oftenformidable minds?Inner sweetness | Did you know that deep down inside,most Threes are incredibly sweet?Mirrors | What is the Threes’ special relationship tomirrors?
What’s obviousEnvy Envy, the passion or emotional habit for Fours, is aspervasive as it is continuous. It so permeates their outlookthat some Fours don’t even recognize it as envy. They think,“Doesn’t everyone react like this?” Actually, not everyonedoes this or does this so continuously. Envy refers to theFours’ constant comparison of self to others – as in,"Someone has something I am missing; why not me?" – withFours often coming up short, which feeds their sense ofdeficiency. On occasion, Fours compare and think they arebetter than the other person, so envy can also result infeelings of superiority. Often, if the envy leads to self-negation, Fours will try to rectify the situation by gainingwhat they perceive the other person as having, or at leastsomething similar to it.LongingLonging for something they either don’t have or no longer
have is a strikingly familiar feeling for Fours - a feeling Foursenjoy on one hand and distresses them on the other hand.Longing leads to melancholy: a bitter but sweet feeling inthe heart that has an intrinsic element of beauty to it. Thiscan be thought of as romanticized longing.AuthenticityFours struggle with being authentic, their true selves.Authenticity is one of their highest and deepest values, andthey are constantly striving to express and be theirauthentic selves. They also strive for authentic relationshipswith others, becoming disheartened when/if these do notoccur. But what is authenticity? For Fours, it is feelings-based; Fours believe “I am my feelings.” The dilemma is thatfeelings shift and can change by the hour, minute, and evensecond. As a result, so does the Fours’ sense of authenticself.
What’s non-obviousThe video below explores the importance of understandingthe deeper layers of the Four's characteristics, motivations,and behaviors.Truest feelings | Why are the Four’s real feelings hiddenbeneath their expressed feelings?Deep anger | Why do Fours hold such deep anger?Compassion | Did you know that Fours are among the mostcompassionate of the 9 Enneagram types?
What’s obviousThirst for knowledgeFives seek knowledge in their areas of interest, gatheringdeep and broad information about these topics. Objectiveand logic-based information is what interests them, andthey have a distrust for that which they deem subjective. Itis quite common for Fives to have an extensive personallibrary, filled with books, DVDs, CDs, or other informationsources, and these are often contained, if at all possible, ina space Fives deem their very own private space forreflection, study, recharging their energy, and more. Thisprivate space is what is referred to as something Fives like“a womb with a view.”Emotional detachmentReal-time emotional detachment – on an automatic basis –is a key definer for whether someone is a Five or is not.
Without doing this consciously, Fives automatically detachfrom their emotional responses, then experience theiremotional reactions later when they feel ready to reflectand comfortable doing so, most often when they are alone.This can be five minutes later, five hours, five days, fivemonths, or longer.CompartmentalizationSeparation or compartmentalization is chronic in the wayFives think, feel and behave. They separate their thoughtsfrom their feelings, their somatic reactions from the rest ofthem, their personal lives from their professional lives, theirfriends from one another, and so forth. Their mind itselftypically works in this compartmentalized way. It’s as if theirminds are a desktop with folders and then folders withinfolders, then folders within folders within folders.
What’s non-obviousThe video below features the less-obvious traits of the Five. Pure emotions | How and why do Fives have the purest offeelings?Secret lives | A big secret is that many Fives have secretlives. Intrigued?Spontaneity | Not known for being spontaneous, Fives canbe highly spontaneous under certain circumstances. Do youknow when?
What’s obviousLoyaltyLoyalty is a word that often describes Sixes; they are loyal totheir friends, those whom they trust, their organizationsand more. But are they always loyal? On one hand, Sixescan be loyal to a fault, refusing to acknowledge somethingin another person or an organization that does not trulydeserve their loyalty. On the other hand, once trust hasbeen lost – and this can happen instantly – Sixes go fromhigh trust and loyalty to intense distrust and disloyalty, andit is near impossible for this trust to be regained.SkepticismSixes have an abundance of skepticism, asking “what if”questions frequently, becoming wary when they hearsimplistic answers to what are complex problems, andveering into distrust before trust, particularly when they
AuthoritySixes have a unique relationship to authority figures,particularly ones to whom the Six has proximity. On onehand, Sixes want and expect authority figures to help themfeel safe, to use their power fairly and justly, and to makeenvironments supportive for them and for others. On theother hand, Sixes are doubtful that authority figures will acthumanely and effectively. Some Sixes live in thisuncomfortable ambiguity on a continuous basis, whileother Sixes look to authority figures and their desires, tryingto please them so as to not get in trouble. Still other Sixesact as if they don’t care about authority figures – althoughthey do – and flaunt their counter-authority tendencies insometimes bold and even brazen ways.
What’s non-obviousThe video below looks at the characteristics that are belowthe surface for the type Six. Some of those more hiddencharacteristics include:Humor | Why are so many comedians Sixes?Insight | How can you separate a Sixes’ keen insights fromprojections?Inner committee | Many of us have inner advisors; Sixeshave a committee! Why?
What’s obviousOptimismSevens are the most optimistic of all the Enneagram types,followed by type 9 and type 2. Their highly positive outlookon almost everything is matched by their effervescence andcontagious enthusiasm. Even if things are not great today,Sevens can reframe events and experiences so they appearand seem more positive than they actually are. And, afterall, tomorrow will be a better day! The seven optimism iscombined with a sense of responsibility to keep everythingupbeat and to make sure everyone is happy.Pain avoidanceSeeking positive experiences and thinking about stimulatingideas also helps Sevens avoid pain and discomfort,especially, but not limited to, feelings of sadness, anxiety
and even deep anger. Their motto is this: “Don’t worry; behappy.” They also think it is their role to help others avoidpain whenever possible.OptionsSevens believe that possibilities are endless and that everyoption possible should be available to them. In this way,they equate having an unlimited universe of choices withbeing free. When Sevens do perceive their options as beingclosed, particularly by someone else or specialcircumstances, they become agitated, angry, deeplyfrustrated, and even sad. They truly believe that no one hasthe right to limit them.
What’s non-obviousThe video below looks at the many nuanced characteristicsof the type Seven. Light-beings | Did you know that a highly developed Sevenbecomes akin to a light-being?Grounding | Why does grounding from the feet not workwell for Sevens?Fatigue | Although Sevens can act like energizer bunnies,do you know what makes them really tired?
What’s obviousControlEights like to have everything under control and areespecially tuned into things being under-controlled orchaotic. In these cases, they will then step in and takecharge. Primarily, Eights prefer to control the big items andtake quick action to bring everything into a manageableform, but they will dive into the details if they must.Although some Eights are good at detail and others less so,almost all Eights will micro-manage when they have to.They also take control when they perceive another personas functioning in an unjust manner.JusticeEights value truth-telling, appreciate honesty, and justice isa core value for them. Justice can connote many things:people who do unjust things to others must be stopped butalso pay, in some sense, for their behavior; leaders and
others must use their power and authority in ways that donot harm either people or organizations; and rules must bejust and applied equitably or they must be changed and ifnot changed, broken.VulnerabilityFeeling vulnerable is the most uncomfortable state of beingfor Eights; they equate vulnerability with weakness, andweakness is to be avoided at all costs. In the Eight worldwhere they believe only the strong survive, any sign ofweakness puts them in a treacherous position. Eights willshare their vulnerabilities with the few individuals they feelclose to and trust, but they first must be willing to show thisto themselves.
What’s non-obviousThe following video looks at the non-obvious aspects of thetype Eight. There are many characteristics that are oftenhidden or overlooked, such as the following traits:Platinum heart | Why are Eights’ hearts platinum - evenmore rare than gold?Esoteric interests | Why is it that many Eights have esotericinterests and knowledge areas that are not widely known toothers?Fear | Who lives without fear? Even Eights experience it!How do Eights manifest fear?
What’s obviousHarmonic environmentsNines are relaxed, easy-going and non-judgmental – at leastexternally – and are facile at creating rapport with others,whether it be on a one-to-one basis or within groups.Especially sensitive to underlying tensions that may existbetween and among people, they thrive on harmonicinterpersonal relationships based on mutual positiveregard. When Nines experience tensions or lack ofunderstanding between others, they are adept facilitatorsand mediators, listening closely to help others find commonground.Conflict avoidanceNines also avoid direct conflict whenever possible,minimizing aspects of their own behavior that couldgenerate controversy – for example, taking a position onsomething that another person might disagree with; saying
no when they don’t want to do something; challenginganother person even when they disagree; and makingdecisions that could cause a negative reaction. Part of howthey avoid conflict is to not be in touch with their ownanger. For this reason, Nines are often referred to as “angerthat went to sleep.”Attention diffusionNines diffuse their attention in a number of situations:when they feel pressured by impending tasks, importantdecisions need to be made but none of the alternativesseem ideal, they are confronted with a complex task theyare not sure how to do, or they perceive someone else astrying to control their behavior in some way. How do Ninesdiffuse their attention? Here are some ways: merging orblending so thoroughly with another person, activity, oreven inanimate object that they lose themselves in theprocess; engaging in a secondary task or activity instead ofwhat they should be focusing on; finding something thatcomforts and relaxes them such as eating, collectingobjects, sleeping and napping far more than really needed;and engaging in highly-routine activities.
What’s non-obviousThe video below describes the non-obvious traits of typeNine. What details are a surprise? What clarifies the Ninebehavior?Masked ambition | Did you know that Nines are highlyambitious, even though they might not think this is thecase?Multi-faceted worldview | In addition to seeing multi-viewpoints, what other areas does the Nine-mind perceivein great complexity?Height | Why are most Nines much taller than they thinkthey are?
ABOUT THE ENNEAGRAM IN BUSINESSEstablished in 2004 by Ginger Lapid-Bogda PhD, The Enneagram inBusiness offers excellent quality, state-of the-art products and services.Our vision is to help elevate consciousness globally using theEnneagram integrated with other innovative approaches; our mission isto provide an abundance of Enneagram-based resources for use aroundthe world. These include the following:» Eight Enneagram books, including several best sellers» Full-color Enneagram training tools, both in hard copy and virtual formats» Global Enneagram certification programs for consultants, trainers, andcoaches» Premier leadership development and team development offerings» Training, coaching and consulting services, both virtual and in-person» A comprehensive, interactive online Enneagram Learning Portal (ELP)» A global network of over 70 top-quality Enneagram professionals(EIBN)ENNEAGRAM BOOKS by Ginger-Lapid-BogdaBringing Out the Best in Yourself at WorkWhat Type of Leader Are You?Bringing Out the Best in Everyone You CoachThe Enneagram Development GuideConsulting with the EnneagramThe Enneagram Coloring BookThe Art of TypingThe Art of the Enneagram (co-authored with Russell Tres Bogda)TheEnneagramInBusiness.com | EnneagramLearningPortal.com |info@TheEnneagramInBusiness.com | 510.570.2971