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The 3 Ps of Coaching Excellence: Practice

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PracticeThe Enneagram in Business Mini-Book©2023 The Enneagram in BusinessThe 3 P of coaching excellence:presence, patience, and practiceby Ginger Lapid-Bogda PhDPart ThreePP PS

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During a past “Coaching with the Enneagram1.0” certificate program, one of the mostcoaching-savvy participants asked me what Ithought were the most essential ingredients inan excellent coach, and I responded with thesewords: Presence, Patience and Practice.This mini-eBook is on Practice.

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PracticeThe word practice in coaching has many meanings:application, exercise, implementation the habit ofdoing something regularly, training, and more.Coach inner practiceFirst, it is important for every coach to have their ownpsychological-spiritual practice. In other words, keepyourself aware, growing, and work on resolving anyissues that are within you because these will impactyour ability to coach others. These might be known asour “blind spots,” though we may be aware of them,just not know how to or choose not to resolve them.Hopefully, you have one that works for you. Perhapsit’s a mind-clearing meditation, a heart-based practice,or bodywork/somatic work. There are walkingmeditations for those who like to move, a wide varietyof yoga practices and other martial arts. Walking canbe a practice, depending on what you are doing whilewalking. If you are walking in a state of “being,” it is apractice!

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If you are really using the Enneagram with your clientsfor their development, hopefully, you are also using itfor yourself. And that means not using your type tosimply explain yourself or understand yourself better.It means using the Enneagram and type-basedactivities for growth. Practice your coachingMost coaches get better the more coaching experiencethey have and the wider the variety of clients theyattract. So if you are not experiencing your coaching asadvancing, ask yourself why this is the case. Are youtrying new techniques to keep yourself vibrant? Areyou working with the clients that you want to help,rather than going through the motions of coaching orfollowing techniques so closely that you forget theperson in front of you?

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Hints for PracticeEnneagram One CoachesLet go of the idea you have to be a perfect coach. Letgo of thinking you can’t do something right or can’t dosomething at all. Let go of the way that there’s a rightway to develop (yourself and your client).As you build your coaching practice, make sure youdon’t over-plan decisions or over-organize theirexecution; allow room for new information andactivities to emerge. Hold firm in your decisions, butnot to the point of rigidity. Flexibility and creativity arepart of growth.Type One

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Hints for PracticeEnneagram Twos CoachesRemind yourself daily that your own inner work is justas important, maybe even more important, than thework you do with clients. Focus on your owndevelopment; make it a priority!As you build your coaching practice, learn the art oftiming so that you will know when to act, when to wait,and when to do nothing. Learn to trust your gut asmuch as your heart.Type Two

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Hints for PracticeEnneagram Threes CoachesLet go of your goals and plans; stay with your client’sgoals even if these change. Help your clients think bigas well as practically. Work to be more in touch withyour real feelings and share these with others, evenyour clients when and if it is useful to them.As you build your coaching practice, be realistic abouttime frames, remembering to account for unforeseenobstacles. Work on making most of your coachingactions less quickly so that new insights have time topercolate.Type Three

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Hints for PracticeEnneagram Fours CoachesCoach to the client’s mind, challenging and helpingthem test their assumptions, and to their somatic orphysical self, as the body holds feelings, beliefs andissues that need to be released. Remind yourself thatfeelings matter but they are only one-fourth of realityif you take into consideration the mind, body andspirit!As you build your coaching practice, think throughyour decisions using a logical as well as an intuitiveapproach; if you get two different answers, askyourself which decision will provide the best result.Don’t let feelings immobilize and prevent you frommaking a decision; action is one way to move throughemotional reactions.Type Four

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Hints for PracticeEnneagram Fives CoachesCoach to the client’s heart and body as well as to themind. Feelings are often the client’s fuel and need togo in a constructive direction. The body holds feelings,beliefs and issues that need to be released. Remindyourself that the mind matters but it is only one-fourthof reality if you take into consideration the heart, bodyand spirit!As you build your coaching practice, remember thatlogical analysis is not necessarily objective; logic canhave its own bias, depending on the logic used. Don’tover-plan or over-strategize; remember, it is notalways possible to know everything before youdevelop a plan.Type Five

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Hints for PracticeEnneagram Sixes CoachesLearn and remind yourself that the most profound andmeaningful coaching is often elegantly simple, notintricately complex. Stay with the intention andoutcome; allow the process to flow.As you build your coaching practice, slow down youranalysis of data related to coaching actions you maytake particularly when you are anxious or notice thatyou are repeating the same thoughts. Plan for bothpositive and negative scenarios and know when tostop planning and take action. Type Six

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Hints for PracticeEnneagram Sevens CoachesInvoke the Hindu god Ganesha, aka the Elephant Deity.His elephant head represents the soul; his humanbody represents the earth. Make sure your coachinggoes deep; keep yourself grounded and as present-centered as possible.As you build your coaching practice, bypass yourtendency to overthink and over-plan by developingyour gut-knowing or somatic intuition. Whenconsidering options, ask yourself: Which of theseoptions does my gut tell me will lead to the best outcome? Type Seven

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Hints for PracticeEnneagram Eights CoachesPractice receptivity. Think and practice willingness,openness, responsiveness, and acceptance every timeyou coach.As you build your coaching practice, maintain yourability to do big-picture planning, but make sure youalso consider the important details. Trust your gut, butwhen your reaction seems too strong or quick, pauseand re-examine what you choose to do or not do withyour coaching client.Type Eight

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Hints for PracticeEnneagram Nines CoachesStay awake and alert when you are coaching so youcan access and honor all of you and especially yourinsights and inner knowing exactly what to do and notdo and when.As you build your coaching practice, keep to yourdeadline dates by planning your time schedulecarefully and then following through. Figure out whyyou procrastinate; err on the side of taking action tooquickly rather than too slowly. Type Nine

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ABOUT THE ENNEAGRAM IN BUSINESSEstablished in 2004 by Ginger Lapid-Bogda PhD, The Enneagram inBusiness offers excellent quality, state-of the-art products and services.Our vision is to help elevate consciousness globally using theEnneagram integrated with other innovative approaches; our mission isto provide an abundance of Enneagram-based resources for use aroundthe world. These include the following:» Nine Enneagram books, including several best sellers» Full-color Enneagram training tools, both in hard copy and virtual formats» Global Enneagram certification programs for consultants, trainers, andcoaches» Premier leadership development and team development offerings» Training, coaching and consulting services, both virtual and in-person» A comprehensive, interactive online Enneagram Learning Portal (ELP)» A global network of over 70 top-quality Enneagram professionals(EIBN)ENNEAGRAM BOOKS by Ginger-Lapid-BogdaBringing Out the Best in Yourself at WorkWhat Type of Leader Are You?Bringing Out the Best in Everyone You CoachThe Enneagram Development GuideConsulting with the EnneagramThe Enneagram Coloring BookThe Art of TypingThe Art of the Enneagram (co-authored with Russell Tres Bogda)Transform Your Team with the | | | 510.570.2971