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Make Great Decisions Expanding Your 3 Centers of Intelligence 3

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©2022 The Enneagram in BusinessMAKE GREATDECISIONSEXPANDING YOURTHREE CENTERS OFINTELLIGENCEPART 3Ginger Lapid-Bogda PhDThe Enneagram in Business Mini-Book©2022 The Enneagram in Business

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Decision-making and the EnneagramWe all make decisions, large and small, every day, butare we using all three Centers of intelligence to do so? When making a decision, ask these three questions:Head CenterWhat information does my head have to offer aboutthis decision?Heart CenterWhat does my heart say about my feelings and valuesrelated to this decision?Body CenterWhat does my gut know about what decision I shouldmake?Think of the three Centers as our three advisors, yetwe want our advisors to be trustworthy ones. TheEnneagram can help us do that! Here are ways each type can gain more productive useof each Center when it comes to decision making:Head Center (productive planning); Heart Center(compassion); and Body Center (gut-knowing).

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Enneagram OnesHead CenterProductive planningMake sure you don’t over-plan a decision or over-organize its execution; allow room for newinformation and activities to emerge.Heart CenterCompassionMake certain you don’t become too emotionallyinvolved when making hard decisions, but don’t betoo cerebral either.Body Center Gut-knowingLearn to honor your gut reactions by asking yourselfwhat it is that you know very deeply to be true;watch out for reacting too quickly.

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Enneagram TwosHead CenterProductive planningDon’t over-plan when you’re anxious or under-planwhen you’re tired; don’t overschedule yourself.Heart CenterCompassionRealize that offering too much compassion canmake people unable to stand up for themselves.Body Center Gut-knowingLearn to trust your gut as much as your heart.

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Enneagram ThreesHead CenterProductive planningBe realistic about time frames, remembering toaccount for unforeseen obstacles.Heart CenterCompassionMake decisions that are not just expedient but alsocompassionate.Body Center Gut-knowingBecome more aware of your body’s signals whenyou are considering alternatives.

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Enneagram FoursHead CenterProductive planningThink through your decisions using a logical as wellas an intuitive approach; if you get two differentanswers, ask yourself which decision will provide thebest result.Heart CenterCompassionRemember that excessive emotionality does nothelp either you or others when making decisions.Body Center Gut-knowingAsk yourself on a regular basis what your gutreactions are to these questions: What do I reallywant? What should I do here?

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Enneagram FivesHead CenterProductive planningDon’t over-plan or over-strategize; remember, it isnot always possible to know everything before youdevelop a plan.Heart CenterCompassionTell people how you reached your decision, and alsoshare your feelings about it. Be kind when deliveringtough information.Body Center Gut-knowingLearn to read your body’s signals so that you cantrust your gut; doing so will enable you to makebetter and faster decisions.

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Enneagram SixesHead CenterProductive planningPlan for both positive and negative scenarios andknow when to stop planning and take action.Heart CenterCompassionBe as compassionate to yourself as you are toothers; factor you into your decision making.Body Center Gut-knowingWhen you are unsure of what to do, engage inphysical activity (such as walking) and ask your gutfor the best alternative.

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Enneagram SevensHead CenterProductive planningMake a decision and a plan, and stick to them; focusyour mind.Heart CenterCompassionThink about the potential impact on people of everyalternative you consider.Body Center Gut-knowingBypass your tendency to overthink and over-plan bydeveloping your gut-knowing. When consideringoptions, ask yourself: Which of these options doesmy gut tell me will lead to the best outcome?

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Enneagram EightsHead CenterProductive planningMaintain your ability to do big-picture planning, butmake sure you also plan for the operational aspectsof implementation.Heart CenterCompassionConsider the impact of your decisions on everyone,but don’t make decisions to avoid guilt.Body Center Gut-knowingTrust your gut, but when your reaction seems toostrong or quick, pause and re-examine yourdecision.

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Enneagram NinesHead CenterProductive planningKeep to your deadline dates by planning your timeschedule carefully and then following through.Heart CenterCompassionMaintain an attitude of kindness even toward peoplewho stridently disagree with your decisions.Body Center Gut-knowingEvery time you make a decision, consult your gut foradditional information.

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ABOUT THE ENNEAGRAM IN BUSINESSEstablished in 2004 by Ginger Lapid-Bogda PhD, The Enneagram inBusiness offers excellent quality, state-of the-art products and services.Our vision is to help elevate consciousness globally using theEnneagram integrated with other innovative approaches; our mission isto provide an abundance of Enneagram-based resources for use aroundthe world. These include the following:» Eight Enneagram books, including several best sellers» Full-color Enneagram training tools, both in hard copy and virtual formats» Global Enneagram certification programs for consultants, trainers, andcoaches» Premier leadership development and team development offerings» Training, coaching and consulting services, both virtual and in-person» A comprehensive, interactive online Enneagram Learning Portal (ELP)» A global network of over 70 top-quality Enneagram professionals(EIBN)ENNEAGRAM BOOKS by Ginger-Lapid-BogdaBringing Out the Best in Yourself at WorkWhat Type of Leader Are You?Bringing Out the Best in Everyone You CoachThe Enneagram Development GuideConsulting with the EnneagramThe Enneagram Coloring BookThe Art of TypingThe Art of the Enneagram (co-authored with Russell Tres Bogda) | | | 510.570.2971