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Jazz and the Enneagram

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J A Z Z A N DT H EE N N E A G R A MA J A Z Z S O N G F O R E A C H T Y P E by Russell (Tres) BogdaThe Enneagram in Business Mini-Book©2021 The Enneagram in Business

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Why I wrote this mini-bookI love Jazz, and I love the Enneagram. Thismini-book integrates some classic jazz songswith the Enneagram. I picked nine Jazz songs and listened closely.I felt which songs best hold the notes ofeach type. Listen to your song. What part ofthe song connects you to your type; whatpart of the song connects you to yourself?What thoughts, emotions, reactions, or evenplaces of growth do these songs bring out inyou? If you are curious about another type, it ismy hope that by listening to the songinspired by that Enneagram number, youcan get a greater feel and understanding ofthat type. Enjoy, and happy listening.

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Type 1| A Night in Tunisia (Dexter Gordon)There is great energy and power to this song, something Ioccasionally forget, or maybe silence. Immediately, I canfeel this song in my body; it is simple yet complex.Gordon’s playing is skilled, detailed, rhythmic, and aligned.His improvisational style brings me to Tunisia; the intricacyof this song also allows me to think outside the lines. Did Imention this song is also fun!

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Type 2 | The Plum Blossom (Yusef Lateef)I love this song already! Did you know Plum Blossoms“bloom in winter, giving a glimmer of spring hopefulnesswell before winter is over." Listen to the sound of the Xun(the flute-like instrument): light, feathery, and airy. Listenmore deeply; the Xun holds wisdom and power like a Two.When the piano begins, I feel connected to different partsof myself, and the sound of the piano connects me toothers.

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Type 3 | Cousin Mary (John Coltrane)The opening horns make an announcement that I amhere; see me. The continuous drumbeat allows mysaxophone to play a smooth constant sound. Is this whatis called flow? Not overbearing - not too soft - a full forcedynamic and moving. It's a soft piano with a cool beat.

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Type 4 | A Love Supreme (John Coltrane) The cosmic introduction to this song is an announcementof awakening. I am here, and I am connected. Thebeginning of this song is sweet and could be perceived assad or melancholy. Wait a few moments; a beat begins, apiano starts, and then the horn comes in. This hornspeaks of a deep conversation: one of the heart, one ofconnection, one of deep curiosity, a sound full of bothpain and joy. Towards the end of the song, a voice chantsa "Love Supreme," reminding me of who I am and how weare all connected.

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Type 5 | So What (Miles Davis featuring JohnColtrane, Cannonball Adderley, and Bill Evans)The beginning intro to this song touches my head, and Ican, with ease, hear the repeated phrase "so what." This song, according to Ian McCann 2016, is"simple, melodic and catchy, but the song’s origins arecomplex. They can be found in what was oncerevolutionary harmonic theory, in classical music andAfrican ballet." Davis’s trumpet allows me room to think. Ithelps me feel secure and safe. The power of this songhelps me get in my body, and the delightful complexitiesof this song connect me to joy and brings openness andcomfort to me at the same time.

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Type 6 | ‘Round Midnight (Thelonious Monk)The title alone had me. "Round midnight" - is there dangerafoot? Is there something exciting, or something thatneeds to be solved? In the beginning of this song, thehorn creates an ominous sound of potential danger, butwithin the piano I have support. And if I really listen to thathorn, is it danger, is it sadness? Oh wait! Maybe it’s joy andlaughter!

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Type 7 | Giant Steps (John Coltrane)The opening sound, the saxophone, and the fast-pacedsoft beat capture my attention immediately. I love it!Coltrane’s saxophone only gets better from there, and thissound was termed sheets of sound (Ira Gitler), “multi-notehailstorms of dense textures that sound like asimultaneous series of waterfalls" (Nat Hentoff 1960). It's asound of infinite possibilities. This song is also highlyorganized with 26 chord changes in a 16- bar theme.Upbeat, sparkly, fun, detailed, and organized, my mindloves this song. (P.S. you have to see this song animated;check out the video!)

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Type 8 | Guess I’ll Hang My Tears Out To Dry(Dexter Gordon)I love the title, "I guess I’ll Hang My Tears Out To Dry!" Whoneeds them; I have bigger more important things to dealwith. As I listen more closely to Dexter Gordon’ssaxophone, I can hear a whole world: sweet, soft, gentle,tender and embracing. It's shoulder to lean on, and asaxophone to listen to; this is power and strength.

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Type 9 | On The Sunny Side of the Street (DizzyGillespie, Sonny Sitt, Sonny Rollins)The gentle rhythm keeps me bouncing, and the melody Ican sing along to. The upbeat sound brings a smile to myface. The horn reminds me I am full and dynamic; I can beawake. A complex song, tender and soothing, it is alsopowerful, with dynamic depth and conversation.

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ABOUT RUSSELL (TRES) BOGDAA graduate of UCLA, Tres facilitates Enneagram programsin organizations, coaches individuals, and he also has anonline business selling sports cards. Tres has known theEnneagram since he was five-years-old and was the typeThree panelist on the now "legendary" children’s panelfacilitated by David Daniels at the IEA conference in theearly 2000s. He understands the importance of beingwhole, integrated and fulfilled, and being mindful andphysically healthy- pursuing what you love. In addition, he is the co-author of “The Art of theEnneagram.”

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ABOUT THE ENNEAGRAM IN BUSINESSEstablished in 2004 by Ginger Lapid-Bogda PhD, The Enneagram in Businessoffers excellent quality, state-of the-art products and services. Our vision isto help elevate consciousness globally using the Enneagram integrated withother innovative approaches; our mission is to provide an abundance ofEnneagram-based resources for use around the world. These include thefollowing:» Eight Enneagram books, including several best sellers» Full-color Enneagram training tools, both in hard copy and virtual formats» Global Enneagram certification programs for consultants, trainers, andcoaches» Premier leadership development and team development offerings» Training, coaching and consulting services, both virtual and in-person» A comprehensive, interactive online Enneagram Learning Portal (ELP)» A global network of over 70 top-quality Enneagram professionals (EIBN)ENNEAGRAM BOOKS by Ginger-Lapid-BogdaBringing Out the Best in Yourself at WorkWhat Type of Leader Are You?Bringing Out the Best in Everyone You CoachThe Enneagram Development GuideConsulting with the EnneagramThe Enneagram Coloring BookThe Art of TypingThe Art of the Enneagram (co-authored with Russell Tres Bogda) | | | 510.570.2971