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Fixations, Habits of the Mind: Vanity

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©2024 The Enneagram in BusinessThe Enneagram in Business Mini-Bookby Ginger Lapid-Bogda PhDFixationsHabits of Mind vanitypartthree

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In the Enneagram system, Fixations, or habits of mind, areconsidered the key mental patterns or compulsions thatcharacterize each of the nine personality types. Thesefixations are essentially thought patterns that can lead toimbalances or challenges in how individuals perceivethemselves, others, and the world. Understanding andaddressing these fixations is a central part of using theEnneagram for personal growth. Why is it important to recognize that all of us engage in thehabits of mind normally associated with specific Enneagramstyles? By studying all the Fixations, not just the oneassociated with our type, we can become aware of how thatfixation may distort our behavior and worldview, leading tomany powerful paths for self-development. In part three of this nine book series, you’ll read how each ofthe nine Enneagram types engage in the Fixation of Vanity.Vanity: The strategic thinkingabout how to create anidealized image

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Type threeWe typically associate Vanity with Threes,because it is the fixation or repeating mentalpattern for Enneagram Threes.Here are just some ways in which Threesengage in thinking that leads to vanity:Vanity through positive self-defining: Deciding,consciously or unconsciously, to delete information aboutthemselves – both to themselves and to others – that wouldmake them look badVanity through no acknowledged limitations: Thinkingthat they can do just about anything that they set theirminds to accomplishVanity around adopted successful image: Believing thatthey are the image of success that they have created;confusing their real self with their imagevanity

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Type fourFours also engage in vanity in multiple ways,including:Vanity about emotional depth: Thinking that they aresuperior to others because they are deeper, moresophisticated, or more in touch with a deeper realityVanity over emotional capacity: Believing that they havea more advanced capacity for understanding emotions,symbols, and esotericaVanity around “authentic relating”: Thinking that“authentic relating” is an unparalleled way of interactingand that they are the best at thisHabits of Mind

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Type fiveFives also engage in vanity in multiple ways,including:Vanity over superior independence: Thinking that othersare inferior as a result of having too many needs, beingdependent on others, and lacking in autonomyVanity over superior intellect: Believing that they have asuperior intellectVanity over capacity for reason, logic, and emotionalself-containment: Perceiving the emotional expression inothers as inferior to their reliance on reason, logic, andemotional self-containment and detachmentvanity

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Type sixSixes also engage in vanity in multiple ways,including:Vanity around problem-solving: Believing that they arethe best problem-solversVanity around trustworthiness and reliability: Thinkingthat others are not trustworthy and reliable, but that they(Sixes) areVanity over capacity to stand up for the group:Perceiving themselves as the person who is most capableand willing to stand up on behalf of the group when othersseem to not be either perceptive or courageous enough todo soHabits of Mind

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Type sevenSevens also engage in vanity in multiple ways,including:Vanity of mental nimbleness: Thinking that they are notonly quicker-minded than other people but that they alsocatch onto new ideas better than mostVanity over quality of ideas: Believing that most of theirideas have meritVanity around the ability to enjoy life: Perceivingthemselves as capable of enjoying life in a way that farsurpasses that ability in other peoplevanity

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Type eightEights also engage in vanity in multiple ways,including:Vanity about personal strength: Thinking that they arestronger than other peopleVanity around the ability to make things happen:Believing that they can make anything they want happenVanity around knowing the “Truth”: Thinking that theirtruth is “The Truth”Habits of Mind

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Type nineNines also engage in vanity in multiple ways,including:Vanity about being above ambition: Believing that theyare above being ambitiousVanity over lack of expressed anger: Perceivingthemselves as above the other mere mortals becauseothers get reactive and angry but they don’t!Vanity over right opinion: Thinking that when they musterup the energy to state their true opinion, this opinion isactually the right opinionvanity

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Ones also engage in vanity in multiple ways,including:Vanity over personal standards: Thinking they aresuperior because they have higher standards than othersVanity about discernment: Believing they are the arbitersof excellence because of their belief that they can discernquality better than mostVanity about dedication to responsibility: Thinking thattheir commitment to being responsible in every way faroutdistances that same quality in other peopleHabits of Mind Type one

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Twos also engage in vanity in multiple ways,including:Vanity about personal kindness and consideration:Wishing and hoping that others would be as considerate asthey are and wondering why others pay so little attention tothis important aspect of human interactionVanity over likability: Thinking that they can get anyonethey want to like themVanity over selflessness: Believing that they are so goodand selfless and that others seem to give in to the basermotivations of self-serving self-interestType twovanity

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ABOUT THE ENNEAGRAM IN BUSINESSEstablished in 2004 by Ginger Lapid-Bogda PhD, The Enneagram inBusiness offers excellent quality, state-of the-art products and services.Our vision is to help elevate consciousness globally using theEnneagram integrated with other innovative approaches; our mission isto provide an abundance of Enneagram-based resources for use aroundthe world. These include the following:» Nine Enneagram books, including several best sellers» Full-color Enneagram training tools, both in hard copy and virtual formats» Global Enneagram certification programs for consultants, trainers, andcoaches» Premier leadership development and team development offerings» Training, coaching and consulting services, both virtual and in-person» A comprehensive, interactive online Enneagram Learning Portal (ELP)» A global network of over 70 top-quality Enneagram professionals(EIBN)ENNEAGRAM BOOKS by Ginger-Lapid-BogdaBringing Out the Best in Yourself at WorkWhat Type of Leader Are You?Bringing Out the Best in Everyone You CoachThe Enneagram Development GuideConsulting with the EnneagramThe Enneagram Coloring BookThe Art of TypingThe Art of the Enneagram (co-authored with Russell Tres Bogda)Transform Your Team with the | | | 510.570.2971