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Fixations, Habits of the Mind: Resentment

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©2024 The Enneagram in BusinessThe Enneagram in Business Mini-Bookby Ginger Lapid-Bogda PhDFixationsHabits of Mind Resentmentpartone

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In the Enneagram system, Fixations, or habits of mind, areconsidered the key mental patterns or compulsions thatcharacterize each of the nine personality types. Thesefixations are essentially thought patterns that can lead toimbalances or challenges in how individuals perceivethemselves, others, and the world. Understanding andaddressing these fixations is a central part of using theEnneagram for personal growth. Why is it important to recognize that all of us engage in thehabits of mind normally associated with specificEnneagram styles? By studying all the Fixations, not just theone associated with our type, we can become aware ofhow that fixation may distort our behavior and worldview,leading to many powerful paths for self-development. In part one of this nine book series, you’ll read how each ofthe nine Enneagram types engage in the Fixation ofResentment.Resentment: Paying attentionto flaws so that nothing everseems good

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Type OneWe typically associate Resentment with Ones,because it is the fixation or repeating mentalpattern for Enneagram Ones.Here are just some ways in which Ones engagein thinking that leads to resentment:Resentment through judgment: Thinking that continuouslyuses mental constructs that are judgmental and divides theworld into something good or something bad; for example,right-wrong, correct-incorrect, appropriate-inappropriate,should-should notResentment of what is wrong: In most situations, takingmental note of what’s wrong rather than what’s rightResentment led by the inner critic: Creating a stream ofnegative thoughts once a “mistake” is noticed; for example,“How could he do that?” “Why are people not moreresponsible?”resentment

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Type TwoTwos also engage in resentment in multipleways, including:Resentment over lack of reciprocation: Thinking aboutall they’ve done for others when there has been no (orminimal) reciprocationResentment over not being properly listened to: Playingover in their minds why their opinions/suggestions were notlistened to as much as those of othersResentment of those that treat others badly: Thinkingabout times when they or others have been ill-treated andwondering about why people do thatHabits of Mind

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Type threeThrees also engage in resentment in multipleways, including:Resentment over lack of respect: Thinking about whysomeone treated them in a way that showed a lack ofrespect for their abilitiesResentment of inconsistent authority: Reviewing thebehavior of someone in authority who changed the rules ofthe game on them in mid-streamResentment of incompetence or lack of commitment:Not understanding why other team members would showsuch a lack of competence or commitment to the jointactivityresentment

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Type fourFours also engage in resentment in multipleways, including:Resentment of what is lacking: Thinking continuouslyabout what’s missing, what’s wrong with them, what’swrong with othersResentment led by envy: Wondering why others seem tohave or get what they do notResentment over an unsatisfying reality: Thinking abouthow reality comes up short when compared to their internaldream or image of what something can beHabits of Mind

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Type fiveFives also engage in resentment in multipleways, including:Resentment of others’ perceived pushiness: Thinkingabout the intrusiveness and aggressiveness of othersResentment of harmful strategies: Imagining a negativestrategic action they perceive another to be doingResentment of others’ demands on them: Pondering whysomeone has the right to make demands on them for time,personal information, and moreresentment

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Type sixSixes also engage in resentment in multipleways, including:Resentment over others’ negative behavior: Thinkingabout why other people are engaging in [perceived]negative behavior toward themResentment over authority’s betrayal: Vexing about howsomeone in authority could treat them badly after the Six’scontinuous display of dutifulness and loyaltyResentment around negative possibilities: Thinkingabout a negative scenario that will adversely affect them(even when the scenario has not yet occurred)Habits of Mind

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Type sevenSevens also engage in resentment in multipleways, including:Resentment over being restricted: When feelingrestricted, thinking that no one has the right to restrain orlimit themResentment of others that cause pain: Thinking negativethoughts about another when the Seven is experiencingpain in relation to that personResentment of negative feedback: Rationalizing whenthey have actually done something that someone elseperceives as below standard or unacceptable in some wayresentment

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Type eightEights also engage in resentment in multipleways, including:Resentment over squandered potential: The dismissivethoughts that occur when someone they believe insquanders his or her potentialResentment of unrealized efforts: The perplexed andplaguing thoughts that occur when they can’t makesomething important to them manifestResentment over lack of control: The outraged thoughtsthat occur when they are not in control of something theybelieve is their right to take charge ofHabits of Mind

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Type nineNines also engage in resentment in multipleways, including:Resentment over not being taken seriously: The thoughtsthat create the slow-burning anger after their opinionshave not been taken seriously, and this has been buildingup for a whileResentment over closed-minded, one-sided thinking:Thinking that others should be more open-minded and lessone-sided when they are in the midst of experiencing whatis [in their opinion] highly unbalanced thinking and behaviorResentment over being taken advantage of: Thoughtsthat occur after they perceive themselves as being takenadvantage of for being so nice and accommodatingresentment

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ABOUT THE ENNEAGRAM IN BUSINESSEstablished in 2004 by Ginger Lapid-Bogda PhD, The Enneagram inBusiness offers excellent quality, state-of the-art products and services.Our vision is to help elevate consciousness globally using theEnneagram integrated with other innovative approaches; our mission isto provide an abundance of Enneagram-based resources for use aroundthe world. These include the following:» Nine Enneagram books, including several best sellers» Full-color Enneagram training tools, both in hard copy and virtual formats» Global Enneagram certification programs for consultants, trainers, andcoaches» Premier leadership development and team development offerings» Training, coaching and consulting services, both virtual and in-person» A comprehensive, interactive online Enneagram Learning Portal (ELP)» A global network of over 70 top-quality Enneagram professionals(EIBN)ENNEAGRAM BOOKS by Ginger-Lapid-BogdaBringing Out the Best in Yourself at WorkWhat Type of Leader Are You?Bringing Out the Best in Everyone You CoachThe Enneagram Development GuideConsulting with the EnneagramThe Enneagram Coloring BookThe Art of TypingThe Art of the Enneagram (co-authored with Russell Tres Bogda)Transform Your Team with the | | | 510.570.2971