©2024 The Enneagram in BusinessThe Enneagram in Business Mini-Bookby Ginger Lapid-Bogda PhDFixationsHabits of Mind planningpartseven
In the Enneagram system, Fixations, or habits of mind, areconsidered the key mental patterns or compulsions thatcharacterize each of the nine personality types. Thesefixations are essentially thought patterns that can lead toimbalances or challenges in how individuals perceivethemselves, others, and the world. Understanding andaddressing these fixations is a central part of using theEnneagram for personal growth. Why is it important to recognize that all of us engage in thehabits of mind normally associated with specific Enneagramstyles? By studying all the Fixations, not just the oneassociated with our type, we can become aware of how thatfixation may distort our behavior and worldview, leading tomany powerful paths for self-development. In part seven of this nine book series, you’ll read how each ofthe nine Enneagram types engage in the Fixation of Planning.Planning: this refers to the mentalprocess by which the mind goes into“hyper-gear,“ moving in rapidsuccession from one thing to another.
Type sevenWe typically associate Planning with Sevens,because it is the fixation or repeating mentalpattern for Enneagram Sevens.Here are just some ways in which Sevensengage in thinking that leads to planning:Planning about positive possibilities: Jumping tothoughts of fun or satisfying outcomes and spending toolittle time focusing on the present issues at hand Planning without appropriate attention to details:Moving through the planning process so quickly that keydetails and steps are missedPlanning without seeking understanding: Generatingplans and quickly implementing them without checking forunderstanding within the teamplanning
Type eightEights also engage in planning in multiple ways,including:Planning about how to take charge: Thinking about how tonot be taken advantage of, how to get things under control,and how to spread their territoryPlanning without empowering others: Moving to actionquickly and not allowing others to take initiative in the processPlanning with an excessively serious mindset: Carrying outplans with a demanding and intense attitude, leaving littleroom for relaxation or funHabits of Mind
Type nineNines also engage in planning in multipleways, including:Planning about how not to plan: Thinking about how tonot allow others to make demands or put pressure on themdue to that person’s planPlanning (unconsciously) how to avoid sharing personalopinions: Focusing on how to keep thoughts and insightsto themselves to avoid disagreement and conflictPlanning without stepping into their leadership role:Generating plans so indirectly that others are not sure whatpath to takeplanning
Ones also engage in planning in multiple ways,including:Planning about how to structure tasks: Thinking (almostimmediately) about how to structure and organize a taskunder normal circumstances and almost as if theirexistence depends on it when they are stressedPlanning while thinking about tasks more than people:Diving into plans, especially at the beginning of a projectand at key milestones without taking into account others’opinions and preferencesPlanning with a focus on avoiding mistakes: Usingright/wrong thinking and language when planning how toorganize a task, leading to unnecessary stress and urgencyHabits of Mind Type one
Twos also engage in planning in multiple ways,including:Planning about how other people should engage andbehave: Thinking about what others should do that is inthat person’s best interests, how others should ideallybehave in relation to themselves, others and projectsPlanning to avoid giving bad news: Calculating how toavoid being the “bad person” and delivering any negativeinformationPlanning about their role as someone who is “useful”:Generating plans that highlight their own usefulness with alesser focus on task successType twoplanning
Type threeThrees also engage in planning in multipleways, including:Planning about how to achieve results: Reviewing overand over how to get from point A to point B as efficientlyand effectively as possible in terms of a specific goal theyhave set for themselvesPlanning without slowing down to share explicitexpectations and directions: Moving forward towards agoal without slowing their pace to share their expectationsand process with those involvedPlanning while denying personal feelings and needs:Suspending their own feelings and needs in fear ofanything getting in the way of achieving resultsHabits of Mind
Type fourFours also engage in planning in multiple ways,including:Planning about how to avoid feeling deficient: Thinkingabout how to not engage in situations that are likely totrigger their sense of not being good enough or theopposite; thinking about how to directly combat situationsthat might cause them to feel deficient in some wayPlanning based on what they need as if that is whatothers need: Imagining how they (The Type 4) would want atask to come together rather than asking others directlyPlanning with the heart and not sufficiently valuing themind: Following their own inner experience and feelings astheir guide rather than using their analytical functionplanning
Type fiveFives also engage in planning in multiple ways,including:Planning about preventing draining situations: Thinkingabout ways to limit intrusions, demands on their time andenergy, and emotionally charged interactions, as well asstrategizing how to overcome potentially dangeroussituationsPlanning, planning, planning but not moving intoaction: Getting stuck in thinking, researching, and planningat the expense of “doing”Planning the details without the “big picture” of visionand strategy: Focusing on the data without stopping tosee how these details align with the original vision andstrategyHabits of Mind
Type sixSixes also engage in planning in multiple ways,including:Planning about how to anticipate problems before theyoccur: Thinking – often instantaneously – about what couldbecome obstacles to achieving what they think is bothpossible and desirable or is plausible and dangerousPlanning from a place of fear and urgency: Facingproblems or surprises with a fearful mindset instead ofpursuing calm deliberationPlanning without trusting others: Calculating how others,especially authority figures, may let them down whilecarrying out a task or planplanning
ABOUT THE ENNEAGRAM IN BUSINESSEstablished in 2004 by Ginger Lapid-Bogda PhD, The Enneagram inBusiness offers excellent quality, state-of the-art products and services.Our vision is to help elevate consciousness globally using theEnneagram integrated with other innovative approaches; our mission isto provide an abundance of Enneagram-based resources for use aroundthe world. These include the following:» Nine Enneagram books, including several best sellers» Full-color Enneagram training tools, both in hard copy and virtual formats» Global Enneagram certification programs for consultants, trainers, andcoaches» Premier leadership development and team development offerings» Training, coaching and consulting services, both virtual and in-person» A comprehensive, interactive online Enneagram Learning Portal (ELP)» A global network of over 70 top-quality Enneagram professionals(EIBN)ENNEAGRAM BOOKS by Ginger-Lapid-BogdaBringing Out the Best in Yourself at WorkWhat Type of Leader Are You?Bringing Out the Best in Everyone You CoachThe Enneagram Development GuideConsulting with the EnneagramThe Enneagram Coloring BookThe Art of TypingThe Art of the Enneagram (co-authored with Russell Tres Bogda)Transform Your Team with the EnneagramTheEnneagramInBusiness.com | EnneagramLearningPortal.com |info@TheEnneagramInBusiness.com | 510.570.2971