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Enneagram Graphics

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MessagePeople stop listening if you over-explain theEnneagram. Don'tBe "wordy" explaining the Enneagram.DoInvite and engage absorption throughimages, short story, and interactions.NEXT...

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Message The Enneagram framework is a complexstructure that fits together.Don'tMake it more complex than it already is ordifficult to understand.DoMake it easier to absorb through anunderstandable, accurate visual model.THE ENNEAGRAM STRUCTURE

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MessageEach Center of Intelligence is associated with aspecific emotionHead Center (fear)Heart Center (sorrow)Body Center (anger)CENTERS OF INTELLIGENCEAND EMOTIONSHeadHeartBodyNEXT...

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Main messageEach type has a specific quality that can becommunicated visually better than throughmultiple words.Specific messageFours perceive themselves as different fromothers, only because they "paint" themselves thatway.TEACHING TYPE: TYPE 4

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Main messageEach type has a specific quality that can becommunicated visually better than throughmultiple words.Specific messageNines "put their anger to sleep" by engaging innon-essential, repetitive, and soothing activities.TEACHING TYPE: TYPE 9NEXT...

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Main messageTwo types may share similarities but are also verydifferent; compare how they might do the sameactivity differently.Specific messageWhen in combat, Sixes take a defensive stanceand use a sword; Eights need only themselves.DIFFERENTIATING BETWEEN TYPES

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Main messageTwo types may share similarities but are also verydifferent; compare how they might do the sameactivity differently.Specific messageAlthough both types are positively oriented, theiridea of fun is very different. Sevens likeexcitement; Nines like to relax. DIFFERENTIATING BETWEEN TYPES

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ABOUT THE ENNEAGRAM IN BUSINESSEstablished in 2004 by Ginger Lapid-Bogda PhD, The Enneagram in Business offersexcellent quality, state-of the-art products and services. Our vision is to helpelevate consciousness globally using the Enneagram integrated with otherinnovative approaches; our mission is to provide an abundance of Enneagram-based resources for use around the world. These include the following:» Eight Enneagram books, including several best sellers» Full-color Enneagram training tools, both in hard copy and virtual formats» Global Enneagram certification programs for consultants, trainers, and coaches» Premier leadership development and team development offerings» Training, coaching and consulting services, both virtual and in-person» A comprehensive, interactive online Enneagram Learning Portal (ELP)» A global network of over 70 top-quality Enneagram professionals (EIBN)ENNEAGRAM BOOKS by Ginger-Lapid-BogdaBringing Out the Best in Yourself at WorkWhat Type of Leader Are You?Bringing Out the Best in Everyone You CoachThe Enneagram Development GuideConsulting with the EnneagramThe Enneagram Coloring BookThe Art of TypingThe Art of the Enneagram (co-authored with Russell Tres Bogda)Transform Your Team with the Enneagram: Build Trust, Decrease Stress, andIncrease | | | 510.570.2971Feel free to share this mini-book with friends, colleagues and loved ones.