E N N E A G R A M A N D W O R L DM U S I CBy Russell (Tres) BogdaUnderstanding the higher states ofeach type through world music
These nine songs are takenfrom music around theworld - musical pieces thatexpress the complexities ofthe nine types as well astheir higher states. It isoften difficult to put intowords the experience, feel,and higher states of each type; however, music can.
TYPE ONEThe Serene Acceptor Banda Black Rio “Mr. Funky Samba” BrazilThe type One life motto might read “If it’s not worth doingright, it’s not worth doing.” Banda Black Rio is a Braziliangroup with “a sound in which rhythm & blues served as thevehicle for danceable variations incorporating the gafieirastyle, samba, and jazz.” (1) Gafieira style is a partner dance inwhich the pair dances to various Brazilian samba rhythms.This music is the only song of the nine songs in this collectionthat has no lyrics. The core concern for moderate self-mastery level Ones ismaking a mistake, being imperfect. Moderate self-masterylevel ones can be discerning, judgmental, and mistakes causethem to react with strong negativity. Mistakes are anunwelcome “instrument” in life’s orchestra.Why did I choose this song to embody the higher state of typeOne? I choose this because it is organized and controlled, but,if you listen to it closely, it’s also fun, rhythmic, and danceable.Similarly, a highly self-mastered type One’s coreunderstanding is accepting that everything, includingimperfection, is just as it should be. All the instruments worktogether to create the magic of “Mr. Funky Samba.” Whoneeds lyrics when the rhythm is this enjoyable? (1) Spotify. https://open.spotify.com/artist/47UDFBXxSM6d5zbKvflXhv
As you listen to this song (and hopefullydance to it), breathe in a sense ofpeacefulness, acceptance,and faultlessness.
TYPE TWOThe Humble Servant Guadalupe Pineda “Historia De Un Amor” Mexico The type Two life motto might read “The world would be amuch better place if everyone would put others first.”Originally written by Panamanian songwriter Carlos EletaAlmarán over 70 years ago, this song “holds the world recordto be the most popular song to be translated and sung acrossthe world in various languages by various singers.” (2) Howfitting for a type Two song! The core concern for moderate self-mastery level Twos isfeeling valuable, liked, needed, appreciated and worthy.Moderate self-mastery level Twos are warm, with many friendsoften at the center of social groups or institutions, but theydon’t welcome anything that makes them feel others’ rejectionor disapproval. Their desired “song” is as friendly and warm asthey try to appear. Why did I choose this song to embody the higher state of typeTwo? High self-mastery level Twos’ core understanding is thatthere is a profound purpose to everything that occurs that isindependent of one’s own efforts. This is a deep rich song ofheartbreak and sadness. Type Twos often navigate the sea ofsadness and loss when basing their sense of worth on thereactions of others. Listen to this song closely; it is a beautifulsong with Pineda’s voice shining through as though she is(2) https://artsandculture.google.com/entity/historia-de-un-amor/m0dhtlz?hl=en
both trying to attract her lover and feeling heartbroken at thesame time as she describes the sadness of a breakup. Thereason I choose this song for a transformed Two is for onereason; imagine a Two receiving these beautiful lyrics, butinstead of singing these lyrics to another person or feeling thepain and sorrow of this song, just imagine a Two owning andembodying these lyrics, “Siempre fuiste la razon de mi existir(you were always the reason for my existence).” When Twosfully acknowledge themselves and their own needs, they standin their power; a sense of self-love and an inner appreciationcomes from within, and the need for being needed is putaside. Transformed Twos no longer give to get or need toreinforce self-worth by getting others to like them andorchestrate people’s lives. Ironically, people often like a Twomore when the Two is in a state of receiving. As you listen to this song, breathe in asense of self-care, freedom,and liberation.
TYPE THREEThe BelieverTinariwen “Madjam Mahilkamen” Mali/ Algeria The type Three life motto might read “Set goals, create doableplans, and everything else generally falls into place.” To find atype Three song I turned to Tinariwen: a dynamic multi-instrumental “group of Tuareg musicians from the SaharaDesert region of northern Mali.” (3)The core concern for moderate self-mastery level Threes isfeeling successful, avoiding failure and gaining the respect ofothers. Moderate self-mastery level Threes can appearfriendly but are motivated by their desire for success - notwanting to reveal vulnerability and not connecting to the fullrange of emotions or “notes” in the music of their life.Why did I choose this song to embody the higher state of typeThree? The song Madjam Mahilkamen begins, “Brave ones,where are you? You’ve become so dispersed, so unstable, thatno one understands you.” Listen to the sound of this song; it isjoyful, upbeat, and filled with many voices. Hear the leadsinger’s voice; there is also sadness there but that isn’tweakness. The singer is integrating his true self, not an imageof strength or success or a belief that he is only valuable forwhat he does. His voice is filled with both pain, sorrow, and joyall in one sound. When type Threes can move beyond goalsand plans and embrace their deeper and truer self, they canlet their hearts shine freely. Instead of searching for respect a(3) https://bandonthewall.org/artist/tinariwen/
and admiration and trying to avoid failure, a high self-mastering Three’s core understanding is that everyone hasintrinsic value, and there is a natural flow and order toeverything. Follow your heart’s desire, as the last line of thissong, when translated, says so well, “so that one day youmight find your way to the truth.” As you listen to this song, breathe in asense of flow, non-doing, and unfolding.
TYPE FOURThe AppreciatorNatalia Lafourcade “Nunca Es Suficiente” Mexico The type Four life motto might read “Look for the universal inthe particular, the joy in the pain, and find what makes youhappy.” Natalia Lafourcade, a uniquely talented and originalsinger from Veracruz, Mexico, has been acclaimed as “one ofLatin America’s leading indie pop stars." (4) How fitting thatshe’s the singer of this type Four song. The core concern for moderate self-mastery level Fours isfeeling significant, feeling special, and finding meaning.Moderate self-mastery level Fours can appear either dramaticor reticent and can be self-referencing, with excessive use ofwords such as I, me, and mine. They can miss the connectionswe all unconditionally share, and their music becomes aboutseparateness rather than blending in harmony with others.Why did I choose this song for the higher state of type Four?“Nunca Es Suficiente,” the first line of this song, translates to“it’s never enough for me.” Fours often search for deepconnection and emotional expression as a way to feel that lifeis enough and that they are enough. This song is about love,heartbreak, and tears. Listen closely; it has strength in it, and itshows the power of putting your heart out there, with noshame because it is so pure. When type Fours move beyondcomparisons and bring in a greater sense of self-acceptanceand emotional balance, what awaits is a centered, tranquil, (4) https://livesessions.npr.org/videos/natalia-lafourcade-nunca-es-suficiente
and calm person. The core understanding for high self-mastered Fours is that everything has meaning andsignificance and that everyone is connected at the deepestlevels. As the song goes on, it states “Y no verás que lo que yote ofrezco es algo incondicional.” Translated, this means “andyou will not see that what I offer you is somethingunconditional.” As you listen to this song, breathe in asense of connectivity, inseparability, and humanity.
TYPE FIVEThe Integrated WizardCesária Évora "Tiempo Y Silencio" (featuring PedroGuerra) Cape VerdeThe type Five life motto might read “It’s important tounderstand everything that matters to you; it helps you figureout how to navigate through life and keeps you interested.”Cesária Évora is “a native of the island nation of Cape Verde.Cesária Évora was known as the country's foremostpractitioner of the morna, which is strongly associated withthe islands and combines West African percussion withPortuguese fados, Brazilian modhinas, and British seashanties." (5) Fado is a type of Portuguese singing, andmodhinas is a type of Brazilian love song. The core concern for moderate self-mastery level Fives isconserving inner resources and energy, maintaining privacy,and accumulating knowledge in order to feel competent.Moderate self-mastery level Fives can appear remote andprivate and avoid situations where they are the center ofattention. The pattern of guarding their resources anddistanced interactions can lead to an overly simplified “tune”accompanying their lives.Why did I choose this song for the higher state of type Five?The title of this song means time and silence - two things thatFives crave! This song also reflects type Fives in other ways.The first two lines of this song, “Una casa en el cielo” and “uns(5) https://open.spotify.com/artist/0Nks3cFWU2a7rooAlFQYgn
jardin en el mar,” translate to a “house in the sky” and “agarden in the sea.” Fives feel a need to protect their resourcesand to observe life rather than engage in life directly; however,at the same time deep within, Fives want fuller engagementand deep connection with others. Higher self-mastering Fives’core understanding is that true wisdom involves anintegration of thoughts, feelings, and actions, and comes fromdirect experience. Instead of observing and detaching, theybreathe fully, embrace others, and engage in life. Theyunderstand that knowledge can take you so far, but that truewisdom, when nurtured with the support of others andacknowledgment of feelings, can lead to the beautifulrealization that there are houses in the sky and gardens in thesea. As you listen to this song, breathe in asense of wholeness, oneness, andinterconnectedness.
TYPE SIXThe Courageous OneFela Kuti “Water No Get Enemy” Nigeria The type Six life motto might read “There are no simplesolutions to life’s complex problems; keep your eyes open andyour humor intact.” “Water no get Enemy” immediately startswith the sounds of horns as if a voice is trying to tell yousomething: danger, fun, a warning! What could it be? Fela Kuti,a vocal political activist who stood up against Nigeria’sgovernment, was full of his own complexities, often usinghumor in his songs to stand up against the military. The core concern for moderate self-mastery level Sixes issafety, belonging and being able to trust. Moderate self-mastery level Sixes can appear insightful, clever, overly busy,endearing and approval seeking. Fear and worry add staccatoand a discordant rhythm to their daily experience.Why did I choose this song for the higher state of type Six? Inthis song, “… the lyrics contemplate the universal need forwater, the groove moves serenely and steadily, like apreviously unnoticed force of nature." (6) Similarly, highly self-mastered type Sixes, confident and calm, can be a powerfulgrounding force of nature providing hope, strength, andsupport to those around them. This song is complex andcreates both feelings of joy and of being soothed. The songalmost sounds like a continuous conversation, in many wayslike the rhythm of conversations Sixes have in their highly (6) https://www.nytimes.com/2020/06/10/arts/music/fela-kuti-afrobeat-playlist.html
active minds. Like a transformed type Six who can rise abovefear, this song reminds you to trust your own inner authority.High self-mastery level Sixes’ core understanding is that truestrength, resilience, calmness, and confidence reside deepwithin; support, meaning, and safety exist inside and outsidethemselves. As you listen to this song, breathe in asense of steadiness, certainty, and confidence.
TYPE SEVENThe Focused InspirerWayne Shorter “Ponta De Areia” Brazil The type Seven life motto may read “There are infinitepossibilities in this life; we should experience as many of themas we can.” “Ponta De Areia” is a tragic song of a failed railroadin Brazil. This might seem like the opposite of a song todescribe a type Seven. The core concern for moderate self-mastery level Sevens issatisfaction, stimulation, and feeling good. Moderate self-mastery level Sevens are creative and engaging but alsofrenzied and impatient. They have super-fast minds with amultitude of ideas often appearing at the same time. Theirhabit of rushing away from pain and discomfort means theyonly access the higher, lighter, and elevated tones, therebymissing the full sound available when the deeper, darker, andricher tones are included as well.Why did I choose this song to embody the higher state of typeSeven? Filled with pain and sorrow, there is an almostmagnificent vibrancy and sparkle to this song that could onlyembody a transformed Seven. How does pain, and sorrow gowith type Seven? In the words of the original songwriter, Mr.Nascimnento, “Ponta de Areia, ponto final Da Bahia-Minas,Estrada natural Que ligava Minas de porto ao mar.” Roughlytranslated, Ponta de Areia is the last railroad stop thatconnects Minas Gerias to the sea and the ports. When a type
Seven embraces the pain, sorrow, and suffering that comeswith being human, that railroad opens up again. When fullyexperiencing both the negative and positive experiences oflife, Sevens can step out of reframing or using their minds tocreate positive possibilities, and fully embrace life as it actuallyis. Beautiful! Through this integration, Sevens reach a deeper,richer and more truly joyful place. This full-hearted, embodiedpresence creates a grounded and beautiful person - one whocan inspire those around them. High self-mastery levelSevens’ core understanding is that genuine happiness andwholeness come from integrating negative and positiveexperiences. As you listen to this song, breathe in asense of attunement, fullness, and completeness.
TYPE EIGHTThe Truth SeekerJohnny Clegg & Juluka “Impi” South Africa The type Eight life motto might read “The world is divided intothe strong and the weak: I must be among the strong.”“Johnny Clegg, is a South African singer who battled apartheid,and his song “Impi” (“Regiment”), from Juluka’s album “AfricanLitany” (1981), celebrated the victory of Zulu forces overBritish colonial invaders at Isandhlwana in 1879." (7) It issignificant to note that this song “has become an unofficialnational anthem at high profile sports events" (8) in SouthAfrica. Immediately this song starts with the lyrics “Impi” thisword “means war or combat, and, by association, any body ofmen gathered for war." (9) How fitting for a moderate self-mastered type Eight. The core concern for moderate self-mastery level Eights isself-protection and showing weakness. Moderate self-masterylevel Eights are sensitive and generous, but also controlling,dominating and aggressive. They are moved by a driving,incessant beat that won’t slow down.Why did I choose this song to embody the higher state of typeEight? High self-mastery level Eights’ core understanding isvulnerability and weakness are part of being human, andmultiple truths must be assimilated in order to reach the realtruth. This song, an epic in itself, tells a musical story of a long(7) https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/16/arts/music/johnny-clegg-dead.html(8) https://en-academic.com/dic.nsf/enwiki/1331944(9) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impi
battle, strong forces, and Victorian pride. As Clegg sings, “anancient song as old as the ashes.” Taken at face value, “Impi”describes a type Eight well, a powerful force, unstoppable, andenemies beware! Listen closely; it is also about strength andhope in the face of evil. Even more, “Impi” is a celebration songabout how the Zulus defeated the British. When type Eightscan embrace their vulnerability and let their tears flow, whatemerges is extraordinarily potent and compelling. Beyond thewar and suffering awaits joy: a generous, strong, open-hearted and open-minded person. High self-mastery levelEights’ core understanding is vulnerability and weakness arepart of being human, and multiple truths must be assimilatedin order to reach the real truth. As you listen to this song breathe in asense of freshness, purity, and receptivity.
TYPE NINEThe Fully Conscious IndividualType 9 Sister Nancy “Bam Bam” Jamacia The type Nine life motto might read “It’s OK, you’re OK; I thinkI’m OK; we’re all OK if we just listen to each other and getalong.” “Now a classic reggae anthem, this song celebratesSister Nancy’s success as a woman in the male-dominateddancehall scene of the 80s." (10) I have always felt Reggae is avery Nine genre, rhythmic, melodic, and full of feel-good vibes.The story of this song is tragic and unfair. Sister Nancy did notget compensated for “Bam Bam” until years after its release. Asmash hit around the world, it was “largely unbeknownst toSister Nancy herself, though, who only learned of its culturalreach after moving to New Jersey." (11)What an ironic story to embody the struggle of a moderateself-mastered Nine. The core concern for moderate self-mastery level Nines is stability, harmony, and being heard.Anger is the underlying emotional state of a type Nine;however, most Nines are uncomfortable with their anger,diffusing their anger and feeling uncomfortable with it. Theyoften put their anger to sleep and do not voice their opinionsas a way to avoid conflict. Moderate self-mastery level Nineswant everyone to get along, and desire peace and harmonyabove all else. This avoidance of feeling their anger andavoiding conflict means there’s little up and down in their songand life can turn into a monotonous drone with a few suddenoutbursts of cacophony when it’s all too much to bear.(10) https://genius.com/Sister-nancy-bam-bam-lyrics(11) https://daily.redbullmusicacademy.com/2017/03/sister-nancy-interview
Why did I choose this song to embody the higher state of typeNine? High self-mastery level Nines’ core understanding isunconditional regard connects everyone and everything. Whatdoes “What a bam bam” mean? “Sister Nancy uses it to meansomething along the lines of “What a ruckus." (12) In this up-beat, rhythmic, and powerful song, Sister Nancy “speak-singsabout her God-given talent for MC-ing and her career goals asone of few women deejays in the genre." (13) This song isabout ambition, confidence, and knowing your worth. Thispower and strength comes from embracing your anger notdiffusing it, speaking your voice, and standing up for yourselfeven if it might cause a conflict. High self-mastered Nines havea strong inner core. As Sister Nancy proclaims, “Sister Nancy,she a one inna three million.” Highly self-mastered Nines caneasily take a stand and approach life in an active andpurposeful way, voicing their own opinions. (12) & (13) https://ig.ft.com/life-of-a-song/bam-bam.html As you listen to this song, breathe in asense of clarity, awakening, and movement.
ABOUT THE ENNEAGRAM IN BUSINESSEstablished in 2004 by Ginger Lapid-Bogda PhD, The Enneagram inBusiness offers excellent quality, state-of the-art products and services.Our vision is to help elevate consciousness globally using theEnneagram integrated with other innovative approaches; our mission isto provide an abundance of Enneagram-based resources for use aroundthe world. These include the following:» Eight Enneagram books, including several best sellers» Full-color Enneagram training tools, both in hard copy and virtual formats» Global Enneagram certification programs for consultants, trainers, andcoaches» Premier leadership development and team development offerings» Training, coaching and consulting services, both virtual and in-person» A comprehensive, interactive online Enneagram Learning Portal (ELP)» A global network of over 70 top-quality Enneagram professionals(EIBN)ENNEAGRAM BOOKS by Ginger-Lapid-BogdaBringing Out the Best in Yourself at WorkWhat Type of Leader Are You?Bringing Out the Best in Everyone You CoachThe Enneagram Development GuideConsulting with the EnneagramThe Enneagram Coloring BookThe Art of TypingThe Art of the Enneagram (co-authored with Russell Tres Bogda)TheEnneagramInBusiness.com | EnneagramLearningPortal.com |info@TheEnneagramInBusiness.com | 510.570.2971