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Embracing Paradox eBook

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by Ginger Lapid-Bogda PhDThe Enneagram in Business Mini-Book©2023 The Enneagram in BusinessEmbracing ParadoxUnderstanding Type-Based Paradoxas a Path to Development

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"The words of truth are always paradoxical." - Lao Tzu

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In the intricate web of human personalities, theEnneagram system unravels profound insights intoour deepest desires, fears, and motivations. At theheart of each Enneagram type lies an inherentparadox – a contradiction that serves as a mirrorreflecting the truth of our unique pursuits. Whilethese paradoxes may appear complex andperplexing, they hold the potential for catalyzing ourdeepest personal growth and development. Let'sdelve into the paradoxes of each Enneagram type,discovering the transformative power they hold.Paradox

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Say to yourself..."I can accept others and myself, flaws andall. Embracing compassion and releasingjudgement brings me the deep,meaningful connections I desire."Type One

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Type Ones yearn to be accepted and valuedunconditionally, devoid of criticism or reservations.However, their tendency to act critically towards othersoften pushes people away. Moreover, their relentless self-criticism becomes a barrier to accepting the idea thatsomeone else might genuinely value them without passingjudgment.The Development Opportunity: By recognizing theirtendency to be overly critical and embracing self-compassion, Type Ones can learn to build more authenticconnections with others while fostering a sense of self-worth based on acceptance, not perfection.Type One ParadoxAcceptance and Self-Criticism

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Say to yourself..."By honoring my needs, I empower myselfto uplift others authentically and findfulfillment within."Type Two

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Deep within the heart of Type Twos lies a desire to manifesttheir own dreams and desires. Yet, they devote anexorbitant amount of time and energy to help others meettheir needs, often neglecting their own desires.Consequently, their true needs and wants remain obscuredfrom both themselves and others.The Development Opportunity: By learning to prioritize theirown needs and communicate them openly, Type Twos canstrike a balance between their altruistic nature andpersonal fulfillment, leading to healthier relationships withothers and themselves.Type TWO ParadoxSelf-Discovery and Self-Neglect

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Say to yourself..."I am more than my accomplishments;showing my failures, challenges, and fearsallows others to see and appreciate thereal me."Type Three

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Type Threes yearn to be recognized and valued for whothey are, not just for what they do. However, their relentlesspursuit of creating a polished and successful image oftenleaves others oblivious to the person behind the facade.The Development Opportunity: By embracing vulnerabilityand authenticity, Type Threes can foster deeperconnections with others, leading to genuine appreciationfor their true selves beyond their achievements.Type Three ParadoxValue Beyond Achievements

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Say to yourself..."Trust will grow and connections willdeepen when I create relationships builton equality, curiosity, mutual respect, andinterpersonal understanding."Type Four

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Type Fours crave deep and lasting connections with others.Paradoxically, their tendency to emphasize their uniquenessand push others away when they get too close hinders thevery connections they seek.The Development Opportunity: By learning to embrace thecommonalities with others and being curious about others’feelings and experiences, Type Fours can forge meaningfulconnections by making others feel valued, all without losingtheir identity.Type Four ParadoxConnection and Self-Expression

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Say to yourself..."Letting down my walls and balancingintellect and emotion enriches myexperiences, deepening my connectionswith the world and others."Type Five

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Type Fives yearn to know and experience life to the fullestand genuinely connect with others. However, their cerebralapproach to observing life and detachment from their ownemotions often prevents them from fully understanding andengaging in the world around them and from developingdeep connections with others.The Development Opportunity: By integrating theiremotions, actively participating in life's experiences, andallowing others into their inner world, Type Fives candevelop a richer understanding of themselves and others,leading to more profound and authentic connections.Type Five ParadoxObserving Life vs. Engaging Fully

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Say to yourself..."I cultivate inner trust and face my fearshead-on, fostering genuine connectionsbuilt on faith and understanding."Type Six

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Type Sixes desire to have faith in themselves and others,yet their constant second-guessing and projection ofconcerns onto others create a cycle of distrust, both withinthemselves and in their relationships.The Development Opportunity: By cultivating self-assuranceand addressing their fears directly, Type Sixes can buildtrust in themselves and foster trusting relationships withothers.Type Six ParadoxSelf-Trust and Second-Guessing

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Say to yourself..."Embracing all experiences, good andbad, allows me to find contentment within,creating a lasting sense of joy and self-fulfillment."Type Seven

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Type Sevens long to feel complete, whole, and totally okaywith themselves. However, their avoidance of situationsthat require focused attention, deep emotional exploration,and acceptance of pain hinders them from attaining thesense of completeness they crave.The Development Opportunity: By sitting with discomfortand embracing a balanced approach to life's experiences,Type Sevens can find the inner contentment they seek,leading to genuine self-acceptance.Type Seven ParadoxPursuit of Wholeness

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Say to yourself..."Strength lies in vulnerability; revealing mysofter side deepens my connections andempowers my authenticity."Type Eight

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Type Eights yearn to be accepted and supported for whothey are, including their vulnerabilities. Nevertheless, theiroutwardly strong and independent demeanor concealstheir softer, more vulnerable side and their need fornurturance and affirmation. This makes it difficult for othersto recognize and support their needs, as well as see themas complex, multifaceted individuals.The Development Opportunity: By acknowledging andexpressing their vulnerability, Type Eights can create moreauthentic connections with others, finding strength inembracing their whole selves.Type eight ParadoxAccepting Vulnerability

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Type NineSay to yourself..."I express my needs with confidence,knowing that asserting myself creates trueharmony, validates my worth, and buildssolid relationships."

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Type Nines wish to have strong relationships where they areacknowledged, taken seriously, and validated. Often, theirdesire for peaceful connection results in yielding to others'desires which leads to a lack of self-assertion and self-recognition. When they minimize their thoughts andopinions to get along, others discount what they have tosay and confirm the Nine’s feelings that they “don’t matter.”The Development Opportunity: By standing firm in theirbeliefs and asserting their needs, Type Nines can cultivatea sense of self-worth and ensure that their voice is heardand valued by others.Type Nine ParadoxAssertiveness and Self-Worth

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With focus and awareness, we can unlock thetransformative power of the type-based paradoxes.Embracing the inherent contradictions within ourselvesenables us to cultivate more meaningful connections withothers and foster a profound understanding of our trueselves. Through this journey, we discover that paradoxesare not obstacles, but gateways to deeper and moreenriching development.

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ABOUT THE ENNEAGRAM IN BUSINESSEstablished in 2004 by Ginger Lapid-Bogda PhD, The Enneagram inBusiness offers excellent quality, state-of the-art products and services.Our vision is to help elevate consciousness globally using theEnneagram integrated with other innovative approaches; our mission isto provide an abundance of Enneagram-based resources for use aroundthe world. These include the following:» Nine Enneagram books, including several best sellers» Full-color Enneagram training tools, both in hard copy and virtual formats» Global Enneagram certification programs for consultants, trainers, andcoaches» Premier leadership development and team development offerings» Training, coaching and consulting services, both virtual and in-person» A comprehensive, interactive online Enneagram Learning Portal (ELP)» A global network of over 70 top-quality Enneagram professionals(EIBN)ENNEAGRAM BOOKS by Ginger-Lapid-BogdaBringing Out the Best in Yourself at WorkWhat Type of Leader Are You?Bringing Out the Best in Everyone You CoachThe Enneagram Development GuideConsulting with the EnneagramThe Enneagram Coloring BookThe Art of TypingThe Art of the Enneagram (co-authored with Russell Tres Bogda)Transform Your Team with the | | | 510.570.2971