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Enneagram Type Defense Mechanisms and Roadblocks to Truth

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by Ginger Lapid-Bogda PhDThe Enneagram in Business Mini-Book©2023 The Enneagram in BusinessENNEAGRAM TYPEDEFENSE MECHANISMSANDROADBLOCKS TO TRUTH

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Three things cannot be long hidden:the sun, the moon, and the truth.~ Buddha

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Some say the truth will set you free. Others believethat truth is relative, depending on one’s point ofview and perspective. Or, is the truth like layers ofan onion where different dimensions of the truthmust be peeled away to get at the essential truth? The Enneagram provides insights into how peopleof each enneatype can get closer to the truth; oneof these ways involves working with each type’sprimary defense mechanism, a defensive posturethat hides our truth from ourselves.

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When Ones feel anxious about their thoughts, feelings, orbehaviors, they unconsciously revert to reaction formation,a defensive posture where they act 180° differently fromwhat they, in truth, feel and think. For example, they mayfeel very hurt or angry at a person or situation, but then actas if they feel positively toward the individual or event andmost often don’t recognize this contradictory response. The"truth" isn't revealed in the One's behavior, and they mustpause and look deeply to bring to light what they actuallyfeel abut a person or situation. Once they are able toacknowledge their "truth" they can choose how to bestprocess their genuine feelings.Hint: Pay attention to your true feelings; don’t submergethem in an effort to be a “good” person. Acknowledge thattruth, even if it is challenging to look at it honestly.ENNEAGRAM ONES

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When Twos feel anxious about their thoughts, feelings, orbehaviors, they unconsciously revert to repression, adefensive posture where they push their true feelings downto such a degree that their either don’t know what they arefeeling or think they are having a mild emotional reactionrather than a grave one. The result is that these feelingsthen build up and eventually explode, much to the chagrinof the Two and to the surprise of those on the receivingend. The "truth" is in the emotions that bubble up but arethen discounted and pushed back down.Hint: Breathe into your whole body, fully and regularly, notprimarily into your heart area only, and ask yourself this asyou breathe: What am I truly feeling right now? What truthis being shared?ENNEAGRAM TWOS

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When Threes feel anxious about their thoughts, feelings, orbehaviors, they unconsciously revert to identification, adefensive posture where they focus their attention andaction on what they primarily identify with, which is, inreality, a substitute for their truest, deeper sense of self.Threes may identify with work, roles, activities, role modelsand more. Being out of touch with their "true" self canmake accomplishment based in their external, chosenidentity feel hollow and empty.Hint: Ask yourself the following questions on a regular basisand particularly when you start to engage in any of theways in which your tendency to identify with somethingoutside yourself is operating: What do I truly want, not whatI should want? What do I really feel, not what I should feel?Where in my body do I experience the answers to thesequestions?ENNEAGRAM THREES

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When Fours feel anxious about their thoughts, feelings, orbehaviors, they unconsciously revert to introjection, adefensive posture where they take in only negativeresponses from others – and these may be only the Four’sinterpretations of what occurred – without discerningwhether these negative interpretations are accurate or not. Fours also discard positive feedback and interactions. The"truth" is lost when only the negative is considered.Technically, introjection involves taking in whole bothpositive and negative feedback without discernment, butFours use this defense mechanism in the specific way justdescribed. Hint: Spend time with yourself when you have emotionalresponses, and say this: I am having feelings but I am notmy feelings. What negative responses have I absorbedwithout examining if they are true? Behind these feelings ofnegativity are feelings that are deeper and more accurate.What are they?ENNEAGRAM FOURS

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When Fives feel anxious about their thoughts, feelings, orbehaviors, they unconsciously revert tocompartmentalization, a defensive posture where theyseparate things that would serve them differently – andperhaps better in terms of arriving at their truthemotionally, mentally and instinctually – if they were moreconnected. There can be a truth from each Center ofIntelligence, but the answers can be different and needreconciliation. The truth rarely comes from one centeralone. Hint: Move back into your body as often as you can; thereare many ways to do this, but it takes practice: breathe intoyour full body regularly without forcing or pushing yourbreath; engage in physical activities where you choose tobe in your whole body while doing them; feel your legs andyour feet, especially where your feet touch the ground and,at the same time, focus your attention in your heart area,allowing your breath to go to this area. Access your wholeself, all Centers, when seeking the truth of what you wantand need.ENNEAGRAM FIVES

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When Sixes feel anxious about their thoughts, feelings, orbehaviors, they unconsciously revert to projection, adefensive posture where they imagine something to be truethat either has happened, is happening, or might happen.These projections are mental ideas that might be true,might not be true at all, or might be partially true.Hint: To be more truthful, ask yourself some simplequestions, especially when you have a strong response: Isthis true? How would I know if it is true or not? Does thisthinking or interpretation serve me in terms of getting atthe truth? Would might serve me better?ENNEAGRAM SIXES

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When Sevens feel anxious about their thoughts, feelings, orbehaviors, they unconsciously revert to rationalization, adefensive posture where anything Sevens perceive asnegative gets reframed in a positive light. This makesgetting at the truth near impossible because at least halfof reality gets reframed – that is, the negative or that whichcauses pain.Hint: Notice when you reframe, or you can enlist others tohelp you notice when you do this. Stop the reframe whileyou explore what you are truly thinking, feeling or doingunderneath the positive reframe. How does this changeyour perception of reality? How does this more "true"perception of reality help you in the long-run?ENNEAGRAM SEVENS

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When Eights feel anxious about their thoughts, feelings, orbehaviors, they unconsciously revert to denial, a defensiveposture where they essentially delete events, people orinformation that they don’t want to deal with. Essentially,Eights surgically cut out what is part of the whole truth. Thisremoval of unwanted events, people or information is afalse perception and effects the ability to see and act witha "true" awareness.Hint: When you feel hurt, anxious, vulnerable, highly fearful,or deeply angry, notice how you may move quickly intodenial. Stop yourself and say this: What am I feeling? Whatam I unwilling to look at? What is the whole truth here?ENNEAGRAM EIGHTS

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When Nines feel anxious about their thoughts, feelings, orbehaviors, they unconsciously revert to narcotization, adefensive posture that has them disperse their attentionand do something comforting or routine to completely takethem away from experiencing and knowing the truth ofwhat is actually occurring. Hint: Notice your favorite ways of distracting andcomforting yourself, then stop when you start doing any ofthese things. Instead, say this to yourself: I deserve torespect myself enough to pay attention to what is occurringinside me: thoughts, feelings, and desired actions. What arethey? How can I fully engage in the "true" life I am living?ENNEAGRAM NINES

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“The truth isn't always beauty,but the hunger for it is.”~ Nadine Gordimer

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ABOUT THE ENNEAGRAM IN BUSINESSEstablished in 2004 by Ginger Lapid-Bogda PhD, The Enneagram inBusiness offers excellent quality, state-of the-art products and services.Our vision is to help elevate consciousness globally using theEnneagram integrated with other innovative approaches; our mission isto provide an abundance of Enneagram-based resources for use aroundthe world. These include the following:» Nine Enneagram books, including several best sellers» Full-color Enneagram training tools, both in hard copy and virtual formats» Global Enneagram certification programs for consultants, trainers, andcoaches» Premier leadership development and team development offerings» Training, coaching and consulting services, both virtual and in-person» A comprehensive, interactive online Enneagram Learning Portal (ELP)» A global network of over 70 top-quality Enneagram professionals(EIBN)ENNEAGRAM BOOKS by Ginger-Lapid-BogdaBringing Out the Best in Yourself at WorkWhat Type of Leader Are You?Bringing Out the Best in Everyone You CoachThe Enneagram Development GuideConsulting with the EnneagramThe Enneagram Coloring BookThe Art of TypingThe Art of the Enneagram (co-authored with Russell Tres Bogda)Transform Your Team with the | | | 510.570.2971